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Explore the opportunity to become part of a dynamic arts endeavor within your community.
Get involved! info@dwac.ca
DWAC Membership Info and Form
By becoming a member of the Durham West Arts Centre you are helping grow the support for a permanent performing and visual arts centre in west Durham.
Visit our membership page for details.
Or download your membership form here.
Reading and Remembrance
~ October and November
DWAC was proud to once again partner on this project. FREE on-line lessons for Women's History Month, Veteran's Week and Remembrance Day.
Be sure to visit: ReadingAndRemembrance.ca
Vist us on facebook!
Thanks to our 2018 Tour
Corporate Sponsors

2013 Farmers’ Market
Arts & Culture Day at the Farmers’ Market
Thanks to everyone who came out for the first "Arts & Culture Day" at the Pickering Town Centre’s Farmers’ Market on Tuesday, September 10 to make the event a great success! DWAC recently collaborated with PTC to promote local arts and artisans from around the Pickering community. The event featured a variety of different artists demonstrating in mediums such as painting, sculpture, jewelry making and wood carving.
Participants included Firefly Studios, Cultural Expressions Gallery, Helal’s Art Studio, Susanne McEvoy, Engelina McConnell, Tracey Mae Chambers, Kim Lowes, Ferida Rehan, Gordon Reidt and Tony Banas. Below is a link to media coverage of the day’s events from CHEX TV. Metroland http://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/4084767-pickering-town-centre-celebrates-arts-and-culture-day/ |
2013 Pop-Up Gallery in Pickering Town Centre
A few highlights from the opening of the DWAC Studio Tour Preview – POP-UP Gallery at the Pickering Town Centre.
There was a full turnout for the opening with dignitaries from all levels of government on hand showing their support.
John Henry, Mayor of Oshawa
Keith Falconer, President Pickering East Shore Community Association (Pesca)
Doug Dickerson, City Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Pickering
Edward Falkenberg, DWAC founder
Dave Ryan, Mayor of Pickering
Corneliu Chisu, MP Pickering-Scarborough East
David Stone, Chair DWAC Foundation
Pieter Uiterlinden, DWAC Chair
Laura Oliver, Joe Dickson's representative
Roger Anderson, Chair & CEO of the Regional Municipality of Durham
Yvonne Meissner, her painting is the backdrop of the Studio Tour brochure
Cultural Expressions curator Esther Ford, Potter Deanna Jones and DWAC Foundation Administrator Pamela Edmonds |

DWAC's pre-holiday gift show and sale called
Expressions is now closed.
This 10-day Artisan Show and Sale offered
handcrafted, unique holiday gifts including
photography, painting, pottery, woodturning,
sculpture, illustration, jewelry, mosaics,
ornaments and more. |
Highlights from the 2013 Studio Tour
Highlights from the 2012 Studio Tour

Thanks to our generous sponsors and supporters.
Memberships with:

PineRidge Arts Council
City of Pickering
Durham Tourism | Town of Ajax |

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 667 | Pickering, ON L1V 3T3 | Canada

Our Mission is to support, promote and present world-class, contemporary arts and culture. Through education, presentation and
partnership we will continue to develop awareness and engagement in the arts, increase our audience and membership, be
sustainable and champion the intrinsic need of arts and culture to our community.

Layout and design by Mary Cook © 2010 ~ 2018 | Conveyor belt slideshow script © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library |