Congratulations to Wayne Lovett for receiving the 2019 DWAC Award for "The Mitsio, Nosy Be, Madagascar Dive Wreck". Award presented by Marjorie Green at the PineRidge Arts Council's 20th Annual Juried Art Show.

Durham West Arts Centre Award
David Green presents Ruth Smith with the DWAC Award
for her painting “Spirits of the Forest”
at PineRidge Arts Council’s 19th Annual Juried Art Show on November 1, 2018
DWAC at Pickering City Centre Vision Meeting October 1, 2018
From Left: Gary Strange, Marjorie Green, Justice David Stone, Afsar Naqvi,
David Green, Mary Cook and Bob Jackson
The march toward a new performing and visual arts centre has involved a succession of watershed moments. The latest occurred Oct. 1 with the City Staff report to Pickering City Council, and the unanimous report adoption.
City Staff is now authorized to negotiate and pursue a downtown vision using a public/private partnership. This revitalization will include new housing, a new arts centre, a juniors and seniors facility, and Library expansion.
Focusing on the arts centre, the plan adopts principles worked out by Staff partnering with the Durham West Arts Centre team. Conceptually, the centre will be built by Cushman Wakefield on Pickering Town Centre property, to City specifications. It will be leased to the City long-term. The partnership with DWAC continues.
DWAC met early on Oct.2, to begin new work to assist the City. We passed a motion of congratulation and for Staff and Council’s achievement.
We are going to build an arts centre!
A Studio Tour is the public's opportunity to meet artists in their home studios. These two day events allow you to explore a designated area and visit artists.
Although the work is available for purchase, of greater importance is the opportunity to learn about the artistic process and vision. Artists really love to talk about their work. Click HERE to see brochure

April 22nd , 2018 great tour!

Bob Jackson presents the Durham West Arts Centre Award at PineRidge Arts Council's Juried Photography Exhibition
Accepting Paula Kennedy's award for Lady in Blue is her husband. For more information on the show, please check HERE.
Tom Thomson Events
DWAC was proud to be a supporter of the Tom Thomson inspired event Party in the Park With Tom Thomson celebrating his life and art in Claremont on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Thanks to Judith Jewer for judging the Best Sketch. Karan wins a Tom Thomson Framed Print “Tea Lake Dam” and Ashley, Julie, Xavier and Ayva will receive a DeSerres Gift Certificate from DWAC.
“Best in Floral Arrangement” Judged by Artist Gwen Williams and Tricia will receive a Tom Thomson Framed Print “Woodland Waterfall” and Julie and Rebekah will receive a DeSerres Gift Certificate from DWAC.
For more photos from this great event please check out PineRidge Arts Council's group facebook page | more great floral arrangements HERE | City of Pickering | snapd Pickering
DWAC Foundation Welcomes Pickering City Centre Project
Foundation to work in partnership with the City on development of an arts centre
PICKERING, ONTARIO (February 28, 2017) Business and arts community leaders with the Durham West Arts Centre (DWAC) Foundation are pleased with the commitment of City Council to the Pickering City Centre Project, which includes a performing and visual arts centre. for more, click HERE

$200 Gift Certificate draw
Congratulations to Madison Brown, winner of the $200 Gift Certificate in the 2017 Durham West Studio Tour. Ticket drawn by Bonnie Jackson, DWAC Member, with assistance from Heather Davis, Studio Tour Chair at the Artists’ follow up Luncheon.

DWAC tent at Artfest
Youth artiists painting visions of Pickering's future arts centre onto canvas


Hal Bilz received the Durham West Arts Centre Award from Bob Jackson, Vice Chair, Durham West Arts Centre at the 18th Annual PineRidge Arts Council's Opening Reception at the McLean Community Centre in Ajax. Show continues until November 25, 2017.
The Durham West Arts Centre recognizes the Artists of Durham Region with an Award and are pleased it was presented to Hal for his oil painting Local Traffic Only.
Marjorie Green, Membership Chair, presents Robert Fisher with the DWAC Award at for Memories of Summer at the 4th Juried Photography Exhibiton.
For more information on the Juried Art Show, please check out the PRAC website.

For more information please go to http://pineridgearts.org/jpe.html

Gary Faulkner received the Durham West Arts Centre Award from Bob Jackson, Vice Chair, Durham West Arts Centre at the 17th Annual PineRidge Arts Council's Opening Reception at the McLean Community Centre in Ajax.
The Durham West Arts Centre recognizes the Artists of Durham Region with an Award and are pleased it was presented to Gary for his oil painting Young Lady.
For more information on the Juried Art Show, please check out the PRAC website.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you (or your designate) to participate in an important meeting to plan for the operation of the Arts Centre. As part of their work, Webb Management Services is working to develop a business plan for the facility, which means addressing how it should be programmed, operated, and financially sustained. Given that you have been identified as a potential user of new arts spaces, the consultants would like to involve you and your organization in the effort.
The meeting will take place at the on Monday, October 24, 2016 from 7-9 pm at the Pickering Recreation Complex Arena – O’Brien Meeting Rooms (located at the back of the Complex at 1867 Valley Farm Rd.). The Consultant will be developing operating policy and practices in such areas as scheduling, ticketing, food & beverage service, and backstage operations. They will also be considering ways that a new arts centre might be operated, talking about important issues like rent, and bringing you up to date on other elements of the project.
This will not be your only chance to participate in the planning process, but it will be a very informative and important event. If you or someone from your organization can attend the meeting, please RSVP with Leigh Brazeau at lbrazeau@pickering.ca or 905.420.4660 ext. 2177 by October 20th. If you can, please prepare by thinking about how often you might use the new facilities and what types of operating arrangements would suit your needs.
Thanks for your consideration.
Marisa Carpino, M.A.
Director | Culture & Recreation Department
905.420.4660 ext. 2025 | 1.866.683.2760 | mcarpino@pickering.ca
Great News!
Feasibility study to be included in 2016 budget deliberations
Dream of Durham West Arts Centre in Pickering closer to becoming a reality
Who or What is DWAC?
The Durham West Arts Centre is a 'hub' organization working to establish links with artists, arts groups and arts lovers. We want to meet and talk to the groups and individuals who are willing to help build the infrastructure for a permanent arts centre in Pickering.
Who or What is DWAC Foundation?
Our mandate is to organize, plan, design, fund, contract for, and build a performing and visual arts centre in the western part of the Durham Region, for the benefit of the citizens and arts community in the Durham Region.
The Vision
The arts centre is envisioned to include performing, media, visual arts and multi-purpose spaces serving local and regional audiences and artists, and featuring local, regional, national and international talents.
Employment Opportunities
City of Pickering
Wanted: Executive Director, Performing Arts Centre ~ closed
Do you support an Arts Centre in Pickering?
Today PRAC & DWAC emailed and asked the candidates for Pickering Council "PineRidge Arts Council, Durham West Arts Centre Inc. and DWAC Foundation wonder if elected, if you/will you, continue Council's support of an arts centre in Pickering?"
Replies HERE
The Arts in Durham Region
With the 2018 Provincial Election fast approaching PineRidge Arts Council and Durham West Arts Centre would like to hear your view and commitment on the following.
Most Canadians believe that the Arts are important to the Quality of Life, yet funding for the arts takes a back seat.
- We were wondering if you will / if you support the Arts and the role it plays in our lifestyle?
- Should our provincial government take the leadership role financially?
- Would arts centres be considered infrastructure projects?
- Will you support an arts centre in Pickering?
- Comments you would like to add?
We look forward to your replies and will publish all responses on our websites.
Replies HERES
Pickering Potters' Studio
The Board of Directors
of the Durham West Arts Centre would
thanks all the Teachers, Students
and Open Studio Members for their patronage over the last seven years.
Pottery Classes and Open Studio
are now being offered by the
City in the new
City of Pickering Arts Studio
For more information click HERE

Responses posted, click HERE.
Art as a Core Value?
Responses HERE
In January Pickering will hold a by-election for Ward 1 City Councillor. PRAC, DWAC and DWAC Foundation posed this question to the candidates.
As a City Councillor for Ward 1 candidate and if elected, PineRidge Arts Council, and Durham West Arts Centre and Foundation are wondering if you/will you support an arts centre in Pickering?
Responses to be posted on line. Click HERE