2007 Honour Roll - photos - Hospital
Participating Schools - City/Town - School Board
Bishop Gallagher ~ Thunderbay ~ Thunder Bay CDSB
Bishop Macdonell ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
Blessed Trinity Catholic High School ~ Grimsby ~ Niagara CDSB
Brooklin Village Public School ~ Brooklin ~ Durham DSB
Canadian Martyrs ~ St. Catharines ~ Niagara CDSB
Carruthers Creek P.S. ~ Ajax ~ Durham DSB
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
Central Etobicoke High School ~ Etobicoke ~ TDSB
Chartland Jr. P.S. ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
Churchill P.S. ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
Dunlace P.S. ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
Durham Alternative Secondary School ~ Oshawa ~ DDSB
École catholique Des Pins ~ Ottawa ~ CECLFCE
École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury ~ Hawkesbury ~ CDSBEO
École St. Thomas ~ Warren ~ Le Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel Ontario
Fairport Beach P.S. ~ Pickering ~ Durham DSB
Father Hennepin School ~ Niagara Falls ~ Niagara CDSB
Ferris Glen Public School ~ Corbeil ~ Near North DSB
Frenchmans Bay ~ Pickering ~ Durham DSB
Henry Street High School ~ Whitby ~ Durham DSB
HighBush P.S. ~ Pickering ~ Durham DSB
Holy Cross School ~ Kemptville ~ CDSBEO
Holy Family School ~ Englehart ~ Northeastern Catholic DSB
Holy Name of Mary ~ Almonte ~ CDSBEO
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
Humber Valley Village ~ Etobicoke ~ TDSB
Immaculate Conception Catholic School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
Iona Academy Catholic School ~ Williamstown ~ CDSBEO
J G Workman ~ Scarborough ~ TDSB
John Ross Robertson Public School ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
John XXIII Catholic School ~ Kingston ~ Algonquin Lakeshore CDSB
Korah Collegiate & Vocational School ~ Sault Ste. Marie ~ Algoma DSB
Lisgar Public School ~ Hamilton ~ HWDSB
Maurice Cody P.S. ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
Monsignor Clair School ~ Barrie ~ Simcoe Muskoka Catholic DSB
Mother Teresa Catholic School ~ Kingston ~ Algonquin & Lakeshore CDSB
Our Lady of Good Counsel ~ Ingleside ~ CDSBEO
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School ~ Manitouwadge ~ Superior North CDSB
Our Lady of the Lake CCS ~ Keswick ~ YCDSB
Prince Albert P.S. ~ Prince Alberd ~ Durham DSB
Prince Albert P.S. ~ Prince Albert ~ DDSB
Queen Elizabeth II ~ Chatham ~ Lambton Kent DSB
Sacred Heart Catholic School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
Samuel Hearne Sr. P.S. ~ Toronto ~ TDSB ~ CBC interview
San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School ~ Markham ~ YCDSB
St. Andrew's Catholic School ~ St. Andrew's West ~ CDSBEO
St. Anne Catholic Elemantry School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
St. Anthony C.E.S. ~ Thornhill ~ YCDSB
St. Columban's School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
St. Edward School ~ Westport ~ CDSBEO
St. Edward School ~ Westport ~ CDSBEO
St. Finnan's Catholic Elementary School ~ Alexandria ~ CDSBEO
St. Francis de Sales Catholic School ~ Smith Falls ~ CDSBEO
St. Francis Xavier ~ Hammond ~ CDSBEO
St. Francis Xavier School ~ Brockville ~ CDSBEO
St. George Catholic School ~ Crystal Beach ~ Niagara CDSB
St. George's Catholic School ~ Long Sault ~ CDSBEO
St. James the Greater Catholic School ~ Smith Falls ~ CDSBEO
St. John Bosco Catholic School ~ Brockville ~ CDSBEO
St. John Catholic School ~ Beamsville ~ Niagara CDSB
St. John Elementary School ~ Perth ~ CDSBEO
St. John Elementary School ~ Garson ~ Sudbury CDSB
St. Joseph Catholic School/St. Mark Catholic School ~ Prescott ~ CDSBEO
St. Joseph School ~ Grimsby ~ Niagara CDSB
St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
St. Joseph's School ~ Toeldo ~ CDSBEO
St. Jude Catholic Elementary School ~ Vankleek Hill ~ CDSBEO
St. Luke High School ~ Smith Falls ~ CDSBEO
St. Luke's Catholic High School ~ Smith Falls ~ CDSBEO
St. Mark Catholic Elementary School ~ Beamsville ~ Niagara CDSB
St. Mary Catholic Elementary School ~ Chesterville ~ CDSBEO
St. Mary Catholic High School ~ Brockville ~ CDSBEO
St. Mary Catholic School ~ Carleton Place ~ CDSBEO
St. Mary's College ~ Sault Ste. Marie ~ Huron-Superior CDSB
St. Matthews Catholic Learning Center ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
St. Michael CHS ~ Kemptville ~ CDSBEO
St. Patrick Catholic School ~ Rockland ~ CDSBEO
St. Patrick Catholic School ~ Port Colborne ~ Niagara CDSB
St. Patrick's ~ RocklandON ~ CDSBEO
St. Peter Catholic School ~ Cornwall ~ CDSBEO
St. Theresa Catholic School ~ St.Catharines ~ Niagara CDSB
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School ~ Russell ~ CDSBEO
Sunny View Jr & Sr PS ~ Toronto ~ TDSB
Trillium Lakelands District School Board ~ Lindsay ~ Trillium Lakelands DSB

Making the project special:
- tie in with Dec. 6 Violence Against Women Remembrance - focus on role of women and strength of women
- We will be combining this activity in conjunction with a special prayer service on that Friday afternoon with performances from the school choir as well.
- Have students complete some research on women in the war and also have this information displayed during our Remembrance Day Celebration.
- We will be having a school wide assembly to mark Remembrance Day. Students will be reading personal thoughts and poems, as well as singing and viewing videos. We will have a silent entry and exit to set the tone as a reflective, sombre mood.
- school-wide assembly and community/parents invited in the a.m.
- We will be choral reading in our various locations (potentially five) selections about women and "In Flander's Fields".
- We want to take the time to honor the women that participate in world conflicts.
- The event will take place in our gymnasium and the children will be asked to bring a pillow and a blanket that they will sit on in groups or individually. Parents and teachers will read to the children and in addition the students will read to one another
- If possible, I'd like to have a veteran or a female who was involved in the war effort come in and tell stories to the class.
- The grade 6/7 class will be doing a dance during the ceremony. Students will be writing special articles about Remembrance day and presenting them
- Each classroom teacher has the option to use the resources our Chaplain has or to go on line or the library for their own material. Our Remembrance Day service is on the same day and our reading will take place after 2:09 p.m.
- We hold a prayer service, anthem, Last Post. Students participate in the choir and readings. We show a powerful powerpoint. Students' poetry, posters, and essays are shared.
- 4-5 students will recite "In Flander's Field", All students will sing "Dixie Chicks", Passages will be read from several books by a grade 8 student. One student will sing Amazing Grace.
- Remembrance Day Assembly
- One of the grade 10 history classes is going to have a competition to write something about Women and War. The winner will get to read it over the P.A. to the whole school.
- We plan to include the readings as part of our Remembrance service and will try to include some visuals in our power point presentation.
- We are having a Remembrance Day paraliturgy early in the afternoon and we will follow with independent reading in the classroom.
- we will co-ordinate our participation with our annual Remembrance Day service including music and a special guest from our military family community. Usually we have military personnel explain an aspect of the Remembrance Day ceremonies last year we had a
- By focusing on the need for peace and honoring the vetern
- War Veterans
- Each class will stop to remember the war veteran's on Nov. 9th, and the whole school will stop to read independently for 15 minutes.
- We will do memorial service with much student involvement.
- readings from students, prayers, reflections
- guest speaker, reading and prayers, songs and staff presentation
- We will have the whole school in the gym and have a power point presentation. We will invite the local representative from the Royal Canadian Legion to be there and say a few words.
- Teachers will choose the content they feel is best suited for their learners. We may read to many but some, especially older students will be reading on their own. Students will be motivated after our Remembrance Day Ceremony in the morning.
- Taking the time to remember what makes our country special, and especially those who fought and supported Canada.
- Choral reading of On Flander's Field. Students reading their creative assignment re: War Students reading prayers for peace
- Application to current wars and conflicts at school = promoting peace
- Promoting remembrance through the use of posters, stories of those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
- TBD just waiting for confirmation from our local vets Plan to make this project special: I have ordered vocal music that includes remembrance day lyrics and themes. I will have a video playing as the students assemble into the gym and a skit involving ta
- We are currently in the throes of combining two schools. A joined assembly is a good way to show our coming strength.
- Students listen to story and relate the story to today. Discuss how they feel and talk about situations. I hope to find a guest speaker from the legion. We will make poppies and reflect on the importance of peacekeeping.
- We will have our school choir sing some songs and have students read selected
- poems. As well, we will have a WWII named Wayne Cashion veteran come in to speak
- to our students. We will close with the playing of the Last Post and a short
- video.
- We will introduce the activity following our solemn ceremony in the morning. We will be reading for the soldiers.
- Highlighting readings before the day and reading to each classroom on the 11th
- By raising awareness of the role women play in our history of supporting military forces - from nursing to peacekeeping.
- Assembly in the gym with prayer service. Choir presenting songs for gathered legion members. Students laying wreaths in Remebembrance. Piper leading ceremonial procession of color party to the gym and last post to be played on the bugle. Paper to be c
- One of our students has spent the last year folding 1000 paper peace cranes in memory of those who died in war and in hope that others will learn that creating peace requires quiet persistence, and the small actions of everyone everywhere. She will read a
- Teachers and students to share in the class room and as a division
- We plan on praying for all soldiers and informing the students about the involvement of women in war using various readings and/or class activities.
- There will be music, drama, multimedia
- The grade 2 class will recite In Flander's Fields with sign language.The father of a grade 2 student, who is a member of the armed forces, will read.
- Student assembly and prayer celebration, concentrating on praying for peace
- post on web-site Create a Memory book Create a Memory book
- We will have a special prayer for all Holocaust survivors that morning. That afternoon at 2:10 p.m. we will have students read over the P.A. system factual data on the Holocaust.We are going to read at 2:09 on the P.A. system.
- Involvement of girl guides
- We will have a few students record their stories and play them during a staff Remembrance Day presentation.
- Present 'thank you to veterans' paintings by students to the local hospital.
If we have missed your school or there is an error, please let us know.
• Resources •
Reading and Remembrance 2006 Resources
Reading and Remembrance 2005 Resources
Media Coverage:
Durham West Arts Centre • 364 Kingston Road, Pickering ON Canada L1V 1A2
TEL: Jeremy 905.492.2533 • Erin 905.492.2522 • WEBSITE: dwac.ca
E-MAIL CONTACTS • Jeremy "Boomer" Stacey, Executive Director - Boomer@dwac.ca
• Erin Michel, Project Manager - Erin@dwac.ca