What is DWAC?
The Durham West Arts Centre is a 'hub' organization working to establish links with artists, arts groups and arts lovers. We want to meet and talk to the groups and individuals who are willing to help build the infrastructure for a permanent arts centre in Ajax-Pickering.
Partners and Sponsors
2007 Honour Roll, 2007 Poster, Français
CBC - Metro Morning - Nov. 9, 2007 with Andy Barrie and students from Samuel Hearne Sr. P.S.
If we have missed your school or there is an error, please let us know.
Reading and Remembrance 2006 Resources
Reading and Remembrance 2005 Resources
Media Coverage:
Durham West Arts Centre • 364 Kingston Road, Pickering ON Canada L1V 1A2
TEL: Jeremy 905.492.2533 • Erin 905.492.2522 • WEBSITE: dwac.ca
E-MAIL CONTACTS • Jeremy "Boomer" Stacey, Executive Director - Boomer@dwac.ca
• Erin Michel, Project Manager - Erin@dwac.ca