The Year of the Veteran
The Durham West Arts Centre is proud to announce that its "Reading and Remembrance" initiative for November 2005 was a complete success.
The Project involved over 35,000 students in 110 schools across the Province of Ontario.
The Centre wishes to express its gratitude to you the Teacher, your school and its students for taking part in the readings of John McRae's "In Flanders Fields".
The reading not only honoured Veterans in "The Year of Veteran" but it also honoured the promotion of literacy.
We would be grateful if you could forward any information or digital photos that were a part of your school's reading and remembrance participation. Also of interest would be any press coverage that you may have received. Please forward this to
We thank you once again for your heartfelt interest and participation in this significant project.
Angie Littlefield, Executive Director
Jeremy Cornish, Communications
Web Links: Samuel Hearne Senior Public School
Thank yous:
I would like to thank you for putting together such a great tribute to the men and women who have, and are, serving in our armed forces! My students put together a PowerPoint presentation and presented to the school during our Remembrance Day ceremonies. It was played with the song "Superman" by five for fighting. I hope you get a chance to view it and appreciate the hard work and emotion that went into it!
Thanks again, Jodi Willmott Grade 4/5 Dunlop P.S. OCDSB
Left: Honourable James K. Bartleman, Ontario's Lieutenant Governor at Huron Heights Public School,
and Ajax Mayor Steve Parish with Ms. Lampa's grade two class at
St. Catherine of Siena, Ajax.
Durham West Arts Centre • 72 B Old Kingston Road, Pickering Village, Ajax, ON L1T 2Z8
tel: 905-250-9891 • website: • email: