What is DWAC?
The Durham West Arts Centre is a 'hub' organization working to establish
links with artists, arts groups and arts lovers. We host exhibitions,
activities and events at the Centre as attractors. We want to meet and
talk to the groups and individuals who are willing to help build the infrastructure
for a permanent arts centre in Ajax-Pickering.
Learning Materials On-Line 2005, 2006 2007
List of 2005 participating schools.
Some secondary materials are appropriate for grades 6-8 and some elementary arts activities are appropriate for the secondary level. Shop around. If you have created materials you'd like to see included as a resource for other educators, send them to angie.littlefield@dwac.ca
Art: National War Museum
Activities: 10
Activities for Secondary Schools
Day Sample Assembly
Choral Readings: - Elementary or Secondary
Drama: Creating Soundscapes
English: "In
Flanders Fields"
Day Sample Assembly
French: "Les cimitieres flamands"
History: "FREEDOM"
stories about 22 veterans,
Ennio Paola
(Della Quercia,
Della Quercia)
Images: (larger
photos of veterans and girls, and Readiing and Remembrance bar)
"Kurt" Lavack and Tent
"Kurt" Lavack and Plane
"Kurt" Lavack and Squadron
Palmer Gallery has a great variety of wonderful photographs
of war monuments, cemeteries as well as veteran's and their stories.
For example look up the story of E.A. Smoky Smith winner of the
Victoria Cross during the Italian campaign in 1943. http://www.harrypalmergallery.ab.ca
Canadian War
Museum has primary documents with newspaper articles as well
as photographs from a great variety of Canadian experience both
at the front and at home. http://www.warmuseum.ca
Some of the work of Canadian Artists during the Second World War
are available on the AGO website by calling up the artists name.
For example Alan Collier, Pasakeva Clark, Jean-Paul Lemieux,
Frederick Hagen, Barker Fairley and John Hall. http://www.ago.net
Math: What we remember
Oral Histories:
The Memory Project
Robert "Kurt" Lavack
more from Robert "Kurt" Lavack
Poetry at http://www.angelfire.com/wa/warpoetry.
A student
poem on Remembrance Day on the Veterans Affairs web site at
to Flanders Fields,
by John Mitchell
Elementary learning materials:
Activities Primary and Junior: Activities for Remembrance Day
Choral Readings: - Elementary or Secondary
French: "In Flanders Fields"
Math: Grades - One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Reading: Reading matters-The Second World War
Social Studies: Ennio
Paola (more
Della Quercia)
A Day of Remembrance
War and Art by accessing the National War Museum at http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/warart_e.html there are four categories to access teaching materials that could be very useful. By clicking on the picture of the category you wish to explore you open a one aspect of this subject. The headings are Art and War (Australia, Britain, and Canada in the Second World War), Canvas of War (Masterpieces from the National War Museum), Military Munnings (Alfred Munnings one of England's finest painters of horses led a series of post war commissions), Second World War: Canada's War Artists Perspective (Canadian Painters participated in the War Records produced accurate images of fighting men, machinery, and the landscape of war).
Press Releases sent:
Honour Roll of schools registered for Reading and Remembrance 2005
Reading and Remembrance pdf downloads: Certificate of Participation, Colour Poster (large file), letter to Directors of Education, Make your own Press Kit, Participating Schools/Boards, Resource Materials, pdf Sign-Up Form, On-Line Sign-Up form, Unique Projects.
Photography by Angie Littlefield
Durham West Arts Centre • 72 B Old Kingston Road, Pickering Village, Ajax, ON L1T 2Z8
tel: 905-250-9891 • website: dwac.ca • email: info@dwac.ca